Accelerate Profitable Business Growth: Strategic Solutions to Scale

Unlock Efficiency — Enhance Value — Improve Performance

Are you a business owner wearing many hats, tired of doing it all?

How We Work

We work with established B2B company owners and leaders to develop and implement growth strategies that accelerate revenues and profits, provide more value to their best customers, reduce stress and busy work for owners, and create wealth for shareholders.

1. Develop a Strategy

We work together to build on your strengths and develop a growth strategy that provides more value to your ideal clients, raises awareness, and creates a foundation to support future growth.

2. Scale Your Business

Together, we strengthen your foundation, implement your strategy, increase capacity, measure progress, and make adjustments in real time to continually improve results.

3. Achieve Success

Success comes from consistently doing the right things, staying focused on your vision, taking care of your customers, building a great culture, and driving financial results. Full speed ahead!

Testimonials for Phil's Work

Hear what B2B Business Owners are saying about Phil.

"Phil has helped me grow as a professional. He has shown me how to work on my business, not in my business. Our financial worth has increased substantially. Phil showed us how to set up a holding company.

Our ISO certifier said that he is amazed that we’re a little company that is run like a big company.

~ Teresa Hensrud, Owner, Industrial Scale

"Phil behaves and talks like an owner. I knew that he would help us institute big changes effectively.

One of the important benefits of having Phil on my side is that he constantly reminds me of the importance of delegation and using time wisely. As an owner, it’s easy to get bogged down with low-value activities. Phil keeps me and the team on task and on time."

~ Lorne Schnell

Owner, Morsky Industrial

"Phil helped my management team to clearly focus on the most valuable opportunities to grow our business, work as a team, measure their progress, and create serious momentum.

The results were fast. We increased revenues and profits in the first month of working together. Phil's insights helped us to build on our strengths and position ourselves to continue to be leaders in our industry."

~ Marlaine McAuley, Owner, Apex Facility Resources


Grow with Us

With more than three decades experience across 64 industry segments, we can help you to grow.

Grow Your Business

Revenue growth is great. Profit growth is even more important. Profits show that your business is improving, getting smarter, and becoming more valuable.

  • Grow your revenues and profits

  • Enable your business to run without you

  • Make your business, often a very significant financial asset in your life, even more valuable

There are four ways to grow your business

  1. Increase the number of customers - of the type you want.

  2. Increase the average transaction value.

  3. Increase the transaction frequency.

  4. Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your systems and process.

Our B2B Growth Consulting and Coaching Services

We build on your strengths and momentum to create specific strategies that provide optimal value to your best customers, differentiate you in a crowded market, attract and retain ideal clients, and improve your results.

B2B Growth Strategies

We work with you to develop a powerful foundation that will support the future growth of employees, customers, systems, revenues, cash flow, and your company valuation and wealth.

B2B Marketing Strategies

Create, communicate, and leverage the unique value you provide to your best customers so you can attract and serve more customers, deliver even more value, and retain them for longer.

CEO / Owner Coaching

Your business is fuel for your life. Improving your mindset and focus will improve you business performance which will improve your life. All the star performers have coaches. Do you?

"Phil helps his clients to get organized and positioned for growth, for financing to support the growth, and for improved business performance.

We trust him. We regularly refer Phil as an important resource for our clients and potential clients. He provides sophisticated financial consulting."

~ Doug Yaremko, MBA, former Director, Scotiabank

Grow Your Business

Business growth happens when you implement proven strategies and systems to proactively deliver quantifiable value and real results to your ideal customers.

About Phil

After growing up in a family business when interest rates were 23%, and his family suffering huge financial (and everything else) stress, Phil was driven to help business owners avoid stress, improve financial performance, and grow their businesses with less stress.

He got seriously educated in business and has more than three decades experience helping companies in 64 industry segments around the world to improve operations, attract more customers and grow their businesses. He wants to help you, too.

If you want to grow your business, call Phil!

Phil holds a few business credentials:

  • MBA Master of Business Administration

  • CMC Certified Management Consultant

  • Certified Duct Tape Marketing Agency

  • Million Dollar Consultant® Hall of Fame

  • ICD.D Institute of Corporate Directors

  • CPA (but don't hold that against him, he's really good with numbers)

  • Author of "The Business Wealth Builders" with Alan Weiss

  • Co-author of several books including: Traction, Impact, Acceleration, and more.

  • Keap CRM Certified Partner

"Immediately, Phil helped us organize our budgets, prepare necessary presentations (for bankers) and develop processes and implement them to help us run the company more smoothly."

~ Ken Pickering, President, Globe-Elite Electrical Contractors

Our Vision for Symco Growth Group

At Symco Growth Group, we empower entrepreneurs to turn their aspirations into achievements. Committed to driving your company's growth and profitability, we leverage innovative strategies and market insights to enhance your business value. Our focus on strategic growth, marketing expertise, and sustainable financial performance guides you through every stage of your business journey. Together, we transform challenges into opportunities, ensuring your success and legacy.

FAQs: How To Grow Your Business

How do I grow my business?

The best way to grow your business is to be intentional and proactive. Organic growth is good, but you never want your customers in charge of your growth strategy. You always want to be in control. You control your business growth by setting your strategy, monitoring progress on your strategic goals, and making adjustments along the way.

What is strategy?

My definition of strategy is the proactive and intentional utilization of your strengths and resources to provide optimal value to your ideal customers. It's about saying "No" to lots of little opportunities that might generate cash but distract you from providing significant value to customers who really need and want your help and can afford to pay.

What is a brand?

A brand is your customer's perception of your value, your ability to solve their problems and improve their results, and the customer's experience they receive from you during the process.

Isn't marketing just about advertising?

Advertising is about buying space (physical like magazine ads or billboards; digital is online) to put your content in front of a potential buyer. Advertising is a tactic, and an expensive one at that. Marketing is the overall strategy and framework to create and communicate your unique value and how you help your customers to solve their problems. Marketing is about attracting your ideal customers who need your help and are qualified to work with you.

"We learned to be proactive about client needs. It helps to be professional peers with our clients, not just service providers.

Even though his services may seem expensive, we definitely received a return on our investment.

Phil’s product is something you pay for now, but you use it throughout your lifetime. It’s very valuable."

~ Zlatan Fazlagic, Founder, Look Agency

What's the difference between profit and cash flow? Aren't they the same?

Profit is what is left over when expenses are subtracted from revenues. These are calculated on the accrual basis which means your record revenues when you deliver the product or service to the customer, not when you are paid by the customer. Expenses are recorded when you incur or consume the product and service and not when you pay for the service.

That's why accounts receivable (sales that you haven't been paid for yet) and accounts payable (expenses not paid for yet) exist. Cash flow is the reality of cash coming in and going out. High growth companies that are profitable can run out of cash quickly. You need to know and measure both profit and cash flow in your business.

How do I measure and improve business performance?

You can measure progress daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annually. The more frequently you measure performance, the easier it will be to improve performance.

Daily "Flash" report:Measure sales in dollars and units, measure production in dollar value and units, measure cash inflow, outflow, and final balance.

Weekly: Summarize daily "Flash" report so you can compare to prior weeks, your best week, and forecast for the next week. Hold a weekly manager meeting where all department heads are in the same room at the same time looking at the same data. Get your management team working as a team to break down silos. A team wins or loses together. This will avoid departmental hoarding of results to the detriment of customer service or overall company performance.

"I have quite a bit of respect for his talents. Until you start to work with him and get to know him, you really don’t understand the depth of his knowledge and abilities. He knows how to coordinate life goals with business goals."

~ Monte Stewart, Partner, McCrank Stewart

Let's talk about ways to grow your business.

"I hired Phil to help me work smarter, not harder. He brought organization and efficiency to my management style and I was able to reduce my working hours, while making more money."

~ Kelly Ozem, CPA, CA

What's your growth strategy?

Do you know your ideal customer? Can you deciper your financial statements? Do you know your profit improvement potential?

If you answered anything other than a resounding "Yes!" to all the questions, than I can help you grow your business and build your wealth.